In your reading you may come across all sorts of variants and alternatives. But the discipline of meditation, the ascesis of meditation, places that one demand on us absolutely: that we must leave self behind so completely, leave our thoughts, our analyses, our feelings behind so completely, as to be totally at the disposition of the Other. (John Main, From Anxiety to Peace)
Dalam bacaan Anda, Anda bisa menemukan segala macam varian dan alternatif. Tapi disiplin meditasi, ascesis meditasi, tempat yang satu permintaan kita benar-benar: bahwa kita harus seutuhnya meninggalkan diri kita, tinggalkan pikiran kita, analisis kita, seutuhnya meninggalkan perasaan kita di belakang, untuk menjadi benar-benar di disposisi dari lainnya. (John Main, From Anxiety to Peace)